


Melanie Santiago-Mosier

Energy Access and Environmental Justice

Nicky Sheats

Energy Access and Environmental Justice

Nicole Sitaraman

Energy Access and Environmental Justice

Student Moderator

Energy Access and Environmental Justice

Felix Aguayo

Energy Storage in a Clean Energy World

Olivier Brigaud

Energy Storage in a Clean Energy World

Pamela Frank

Energy Storage in a Clean Energy World

Tom Leyden (Moderator)

Energy Storage in a Clean Energy World

Jamie Fine

Energy Policy

Amy Jaffe

Energy Policy

Lourdes Melgar

Energy Policy

Aaron Gold

Renewable Business and Investment

Zach Goldstein

Renewable Business and Investment

Charlie Silio

Renewable Business and Investment

Harry Warren (Moderator)

Renewable Business and Investment

Ryan Edwards

Carbon Capture and Storage

Betar Gallant

Carbon Capture and Storage

Rob Socolow

Carbon Capture and Storage

Chris Greig (Moderator)

Carbon Capture and Storage

Judi Greenwald

Out-There Technologies

Alan Robock

Out-There Technologies

Sunita Satyapal

Out-There Technologies

Steven Cowley (Moderator)

Out-There Technologies

Chris Gearhart

Decarbonizing Transportation

Lauren Justice

Decarbonizing Transportation

Michael Mueller

Decarbonizing Transportation

Student Moderator

Decarbonizing Transportation